A Exhibition


Today I want to talk to you about an exhibition I went to a while ago, which was about ancient Egypt. The exhibition was at the Mall Plaza los Dominicos exactly 1 year ago. 

I went with my mother and my little sister, since they are also interested in ancient Egypt and all the art and religion behind all its culture. 

I really enjoyed the exhibit because there were sarcophagi, funerary masks, and even a virtual tour of Nefertari's tomb. Personally, what catches my attention the most about Egyptian culture is the entire funerary and religious sphere that they had as a culture and how this was also carried into the architecture they created. There were also models of tombs, pyramids, the solar boat of Cheops, representations of the Egyptian gods, among other things, in the exhibition. 

What stood out most about the exhibition was that there were some videos of Egyptian myths and legends, which were very well illustrated. In general I'm not a big fan of going to exhibitions but I really liked this one.


  1. That sounds like a great exhibition!

  2. Now I understand more your obsession with Egyptian culture haha
    Post data: you would have taken me


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